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Regional count - counting chamber volume: 1 / 10mm - counting chamber divided into 16 zones, each zone consisting of 16 small squares, 1 small box can be built 1/4000 mm - Red blood cells count in five areas: 4 Zone 1 in 4 corners and areas in between. - The total volume count is 16 x 5 = 80 = 80 cells / 4000mm counting rules: 1. Counting according zizac picture from left to right, from top to bottom. 2. Count all the red blood cells inside the 16, the outer edge of the red blood cells are the only cell count HC 16 in the top and left edges (and only those located in the HC for at least 1/2) 3 . The total number disposable dog diapers of red blood cells in each area not exceeding disposable dog diapers 10 RBC mismatches. The calculation results: SLHC / mm = SLHC count x 200 x 4000/80 (dilution) x 10,000 = SLHC count Example: Total HC in 5 areas HC count is 500, the SLHC of patients would be: SLHC = 500 x 200 x 4000/80 / mm = 500 x 10000 / mm = 5 x 10 6 / mm = 5 x 10 ^ 12 / l = 5 T / l 2. SMIC or Neubauer counting chamber:
Regional count - counting chamber volume: 9 / 10mm - counting chamber divided into 9 large areas (each of 1 / 10mm ) - The large middle area is divided into 25 small, each small area of 16 small squares, 1 box Small square volume is 1/4000 mm - Red blood cells count in five areas: 4 in 4 corners area and one in the middle zone. - The total volume count is 16 x 5 = 80 = 80 cells / 4000mm counting rules: 1. Counting according zizac picture from left to right, from top to bottom. 2. Count all the red blood cells inside the 16, the outer edge of the red blood cells are the only cell count HC 16 in the top and left edges (and only those located in the HC for at least 1/2) 3 . The total number of red blood cells in each area not exceeding 10 RBC mismatches. The calculation results: SLHC / mm = SLHC count x 200 x 4000/80 (dilution) x 10,000 = SLHC count Example: Total HC in 5 areas HC count is 500, the SLHC of patients would be: SLHC = 500 x 200 x 4000/80 / mm = 500 x 10000 / mm = 5 x 10 6 / mm Goriaep counting chamber 3. Signature of tuyenlab
(11-21-2013 12:18 AM) manh_bebe Wrote: why the pages of specialized test subject to error-shirts disposable dog diapers online, right here you see how to fix it: .. .hp? tid = 676 Signature tuyenlab
(06-16-2014 06:08 PM) manhtrung2712 Wrote: Today's practice as an end Neubauer counting chamber 1 vs 1 Potain the erythrocytes. How much this little one, huh potanh about dozens, even counting chamber china then 80,000, then a few hundred German Signature tuyenlab
(06-16-2014 11:10 PM) tuyenlab Wrote: (06-16-2014 06:08 PM) manhtrung2712 Wrote: Today's practice as an end Neubauer counting chamber 1 vs 1 Potain the erythrocytes. How much this little one, huh potanh about dozens, even counting chamber china then 80,000, then a few hundred German tks ad, type the e chamber of Germany vs spending is coated with silver, finishing just 2.1 million house. Potain is 95k
There may involve Thread: Author Replies: Views: Last Post [TH] Count the number of red blood cells tuyenlab 08-26-2014 12:16 AM 1 6.097 Last post: trungchanh carefully counting disposable dog diapers thuart classification disposable dog diapers tuan.xn4b disposable dog diapers leukemia disposable dog diapers 08-08-2014 03:05 PM 13 5,315 Last Post: tuyenlab [TH] Count the number of platelets 6.606 06-10-2014 disposable dog diapers 06:19 AM tuyenlab 12 Latest Post: dangmy277 [TH] Count reticulocyte tuyenlab 11-15-2013 10:57 PM 23 9,200 Last Post: tuyenlab [TH] Count the number of white blood cells tuyenlab 11-13-2013 10:28 AM 3 5,798 Last post: taphuong [TH] Measurement Red blood volume area 3.496 10-13-2013 07:33 AM tuyenlab 10 Latest Post: hoaithuong1992 strength measurement technique RBC tuyenlab 09-03-2013 09:51 PM 0 1,409 Latest Post: tuyenlab Help International Experience counts phamquyetchien_xn blood cells 01-05-2013 10:18 PM 1 1,464 Last post: tuyenlab Types counting chamber Leukocyte count and 5.607 12-10-2012 11:47 PM tuyenlab 2 Last post: tuyenlab
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