Monday, May 25, 2015

Tangible results should become just by the installation of meters and heating savings - the most ex

It will take a little more than a month, and finally the country's utilities will move to the new rules of public services. dog nappy The apartment receipts from January 2013 in addition dog nappy to the count of individual resource consumption - heating, hot and cold water, will be another - obschedomovye needs (ARF), which includes dog nappy all of the same items and energy, which we already has. Pay unusual services citizens will oblige the Federal Law "On energy saving and energy dog nappy efficiency ...", which also provides for the collective equipping of houses metered municipal resources.
According to the aforementioned law, all public resources are subject to mandatory registration with the appropriate tools. However, if the real financial savings from the installation of individual meters all have already felt, the metering devices on the ODN causes a lot of questions. By the way, with the same disbelief at the dawn of the 90s people applies to water meters, is now available in almost every apartment. For those who prefer to do without them, cold and hot water put on the current regulations. dog nappy A similar situation occurs with the common parts of metering devices. Residents of homes where before the first of January next year will not install collective meters, will have to pay obschedomovye needs according to the norm.
It is no secret that any standard - the value of rather conventional, and even calculated based on industry practices, is very far from reality. In addition, it makes it impossible to keep track of the possible leak and place the waste of resources and, therefore, does not control the situation. Meters, on the contrary - for example, with a strong "overflow" of water will reflect that in his testimony, and thus point to the existing "gap". If the expenditure of water will happen due to the negligence of the management company, dog nappy which is not repaired in time communication and allowed the accident, all the costs will fall on the Criminal Code itself. But most importantly - the transition to accounting obschedomovyh resources will even slightly unravel dog nappy the housing problems. On the ground, including in our city, competition in the market of public services dog nappy virtually non-existent, dog nappy so generating enterprises set standards, dog nappy based solely on their calculations and interests. Restrain its increase can be only through the economy. That should be interested consumers, all the more so now with collective meters they have an opportunity to regulate the consumption of resources. Without the active position of population and frightening all innovations today - common parts, payments for utility services will never be feasible for the population.
Despite the fact that the cost of a cubic meter of water and Gcal of heat in Russia dog nappy is 2-3 times lower than in Europe in some regions payments for "communal" we have already reached the European level, and in fact "have" real consumption of resources dog nappy many times lower than our standards. The fact is that overseas resources is considered, dog nappy therefore, save money. Once we begin to understand what kind of resources and energy needed to homes in the city, it will be clear where the "lost" and the water, and heat. Thus, people will stop paying the loss of utilities. Obviously, after losses obtained these organizations will be forced to lead the network in order and, as a consequence, improve the quality of services provided. Importantly, if the tenants honestly dog nappy convey the testimony of individual meters and the number of people living in the apartment corresponds to a residence permit, the ARF for hot and cold water in the homes vorkutintsev can appear only in the case of a rush of water in the basement of communications.
As for electricity, there is unfortunately an increase in the amount on the receipt can not be avoided. Pay for lighting of entrances, basements, attics and courtyards tenants and homeowners have. The main reasons for the loss of intra-house electrical networks - illegal connections, popularly called dog nappy "torsions". Most often, these "industries" are engaged consumers who do not have a contract with the electricity supplier. As a result, they pay residents of apartment buildings. To avoid this, the population and electricity supplier will have to work together - one to be vigilant, the other in a timely manner dog nappy to respond to citizens' dog nappy complaints about cases of unauthorized connection to the grid.
Tangible results should become just by the installation of meters and heating savings - the most expensive dog nappy component of the utilities. Today Vorkuta accrued under this heading produce throughout the year, even in the summer months when the heat in the apartment residents are not served. And the average calculation is made on the basis of the same notorious dog nappy standard. About any incentives for energy efficiency in this case is not out of the question, which is why the main "regulator" in comfort

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