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The diagnosis of Crohn's disease is based on the detection of a group of symptoms that macroscopically (discontinuous dog supplies online inflammation, Ileumbeteiligung) or microscopic (disproportionated inflammation, normal goblet cell content in the inflamed colon section, lymphoid follicles in the mucosa and submucosa), by X-ray imaging or endoscopy in the area of be verified intestinal tract (enterocutaneous fistula) or the outer skin (fissural skin lesions) and also over a longer period of time (chronic Analleiden) must exist. There are no quarantined symptom or an individual laboratory parameter that proves the existence of a Crohn's disease.
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Dr. med. Matthias Kemmer Ling, Surgery, Visceral Surgery dog supplies online and Proctology, formerly senior physician at the Department of Surgery II, Coloproctology, Raphael Hospital Muenster Dr. med. Franz Raulf, chief physician of Surgery, Coloproctology, Raphael Hospital Muenster.
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