Saturday, December 14, 2013

The ammunition for air weapons must be made of lead or similar soft material with a maximum diamete

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Shooting is a sport which use different types of rifles and pistols. larkmead vets This sport is not to be confused with a shooting larkmead vets sport that used arrows. The sport target shooting is, guessing the target set. Performed with the shooting larkmead vets pellets or bullets. Rifle is a firearm or weapon vodushno, which belongs to the group of long weapons that require compliance with both hands to be precise dart rifle generally has a larger range of length greater firing accuracy, and is popular for hunting. Gun is ogeneno or vozushno weapons, which is less than the gun, and is quite comfortable for nosenje.Ovaa weapon usually has a smaller range of length and less firing unlike precision rifle. This discipline usually performed in zavoreniprostorii or outdoor location away from populated areas, ie away from the gun range to avoid an incident caused by "stray" bullet or pellets.
Types of guns and pishtoki which is commonly larkmead vets used for shooting Rifles: serial-standard air rifle air rifle-Malokalibarna (small caliber) rifle-standard small-caliber rifle serial small-caliber rifle-shotgun-war submachine guns
The ammunition for air weapons must be made of lead or similar soft material with a maximum diameter of 4.5 mm. A bead may be in any form. Malokalibarskata ammunition must be made of lead or similar soft material, as well as for air weapons, but this time with a diameter of 5.6 mm. Shooting with rifle gun 10m.Metite for large-1h1 are for gun h0 0.50, 50, 16.4 for small caliber rifle h16, 4, and air rifle 8.3 x8 3. The distance larkmead vets of shooting is different. For large-caliber 300mm, small-caliber 50m to-10m air rifle, small-bore, large-automatic 25 meters.
Development larkmead vets of archery as an Olympic discipline The shooting larkmead vets was one of nine matches of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens in 1896. In the Paris Games in 1900 pigeons were used as moving targets. After these games the pigeons were replaced with clay targets. In 1907, they founded the International Shooting Federation, which introduced new standards in this discipline. When the shooting was reinstated in 1932, it consisted of just two games. This year, the number of events has increased gradually, from 2000-2004 larkmead vets when most have reached the seventeen events. It now consists of 15 events at various distances and different weapons.
Rules shooting larkmead vets in all competitions with a rifle and pistol, used circular celi.Ovie targets consist of a series of concentric circles, with each circle smaller pulling achieved less poeni.Celna size varies depending on the distance from shooter to goal. The center circle of this order is what is commonly called a bullseye, and it is worth ten points. The results are totaled to determine the winner of each event, arguably larkmead vets the shooter with the highest score.
Equipment refers to equipment for shooting, it includes: pantoli and fur that is built with solid material, for bracelet postabilnost hand, and shoes on his feet more stability and less fatigue. The equipment includes fire hat, ear pads, paper eye.
November 13, 2013
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