Active Topics Exchange Agro Osijek by pege25 Today at 12:40 IMT 506 by extracold Today at 12:37 Sowing of rapeseed 2013./2014. by Mr. Nustemburg Today at 11:42 pm Greetings from Gorski Kotar by pege25 Today at 11:28 Penica 2013/2014 year by pege25 Today at 11:17 rauola .. by PAOR Today at 10:25 News related for agriculture by pege25 Today at 09:49 grgic by grgic_90 Yesterday at 21:46 ARONIA by dbojan Yesterday at 21:08 PC games by Torpedo TD 9006 Fan Yesterday at 20:03 to listen to this while drivin tractor ... by Torpedo TD 9006 Fan Yesterday at 16:11 Tanjurae by galicije83 Yesterday at 14:57 Motocultivators tiller IMT 506 LS propelled by Mario_Zg Yesterday at 11:59 VTZ - Vladimirec by hammer 07.01.2014, 23:24 Questions and suggestions by Torpedo TD 9006 Fan 07/01/2014, 21:36 Table pea by OPGKOVA 01/07/2014, 19:30 Change nick's (username) vettest by Branko 01/07/2014, 17:30 Front loaders and connectors for them by goran.faic 07/01/2014, 06:58 Price oven fruit 2014g by frenkigoran1 30/06/2014, 24:43 Sowing vettest / Harvest porch 2013/2014g ... this is not brewing .. by pege25 30/06/2014, 24:38 Bue (pumpkin) by pege25 06/30/2014, 11:53 Massey Ferguson by slaven22 29/06/2014, 22:29 Black Slavonian pigs by damirpolgar 29/06/2014, 22:16 Incentives in Agriculture (3) by Bear 06.28.2014, 21:20 Sprayers by Bells 28 / 6/2014, 20:59 It is behind the hills be? (2) by Nostradurus 06/28/2014, 16:28 CABBAGE by Tomek612 06.28.2014, 13:17 "theft of crops by Fidelito 28 / 6/2014, 00:18 Round by beginner 27/06/2014, 22:22 Torpedo RX 170 by Torpedo TD 9006 Fan 6/27/2014, 21:06
itajui post of member of the famous Kiwi, on the subject of Simmental vettest breed, and his visions issues that tie the profession in BiH creating this topic in order to present our strong views either positive vettest or negative, that these s my experience vie negative experiences than positive, I do not see that BiH has a string so the person in this field as it is not a kiwi called him back into the river Drava to your knowledge? transfer and help development in the past five years developing the family farm along with his wife. The vet came only to sjemenjenja There were no larger intervention was not, lately I've started vettest to address the public with their views, and issues of the profession in my county vettest and arguments vettest to denounce the minister, veterinarians, agronomists, etc, I have to osijeaj moistened at their own problems, but I'm vettest not afraid of the work was in Livno, Zagreb or Albania. Izfrustriran alone the fact that the cows in my melted everything was fine and ostajele bree are no problems now are the major issues that stay pregnant, vettest if I was called waist came only because the Board and now it belongs to neide that we will then such a profession at all, if all concentrating expertise that it should only inseminate a cow, I'm vettest going to invest in this kind of education and equipment and so that part of the management to take. while forbid boe occurs TB disease, zoonoses, bse, then we need a Kiwi, but there is none in BiH
Yes, unfortunately, see a business vettest directory vettest (veterinarians among others) America, Canada, Australia (etc) and you'll see a lot of names that are from this area, and are the third generation in these countries ..... On the other hand, personally I that is not a problem in the expertise of people who have stayed here (BiH or Croatia, anyway) than anything else ....
Smiljan wrote / la: Yes, unfortunately, see a business directory (veterinarians among others) America, Canada, Australia (etc) and you'll see a lot of names that are from this area, and are the third generation in these countries ..... On the other hand, personally I think that is not a problem in the expertise of people who have stayed here (BiH and Croatia, anyway) than anything else .... I agree that the larger problem is that "something else" and not questioned Their concentrating expertise vertically regular zavrenog College of Veterinary Medicine, vettest and dravnog vettest exams, etc but also veterinarians in some way contribute to the neem second to no one wants to detect. When working on some sort of moral principles and the principles of the profession that something vettest else would have less impact. When I say that contribute vettest to such a situation that can not go in the direction of development then I Duan arguments and affirm the fact that the veterinarian in My melted seed crnobjelog vettest with Simmental and Holstein says that the seeds holtajana, and it's even blacker nor a declaration of seeds nor he himself knows what is the seed, if it continues like this I am afraid that we will one cow calve on rhino, furthermore, constantly getting stuck on the notion of education, education is needed not only to us but to farmers and veterinarians, and they must enter into the continuity of education
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