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Sacral nerve stimulation (pacemaker for the intestine) pacemaker oakmount vets regulates untenable toilet urge further development oakmount vets in the treatment of intestinal diseases Together against colorectal diseases procrastinate bowel problems may be fatal
The anal fissure is a reaching the lower anal canal to the dentate incipient and to the dentate line, along oval ulcer. oakmount vets The situation in anoderm explains the strong pain. In the proctology practice oakmount vets the anal fissure oakmount vets is one of the most common diseases. In the vast majority of fissures is posterior fissures (6 clock). In ten percent of cases are found ventral fissure (12 clock); laterally they are localized oakmount vets only five to ten percent of the patients. By clinic and morphological appearance is acute from chronic fissure to be distinguished: The acute fissure appears as a shallow, superficial lesion in anoderm. The chronic fissure oakmount vets is a long oval shape with secondary changes such as deep epithelial defects, hypertrophic papillae, an inflammation of the Intersphinktärraums or the formation of an inflammatory scarring anal stenosis.
The pathogenesis of fissures is not clear as before. Discuss on the one hand increased tone of the internal sphincter with any resultant tissue lesions through increased presses, on the other hand, a local hypoperfusion in this area, which hinders a defect healing.
Another common hypothesis is based on the assumption that, starting from a local inflammation (cryptitis or Kryptenabszess) is a chronic tissue defect arises. Such lesions lead over Vernarbungsprozesse to fissure with secondary changes. The main symptom of the fissure oakmount vets is the strong, piercing oakmount vets pain that typically occurs during defecation and persists for hours under certain circumstances. Often there are also traces of blood on the toilet paper or strip-shaped blood deposits on the stool.
Often the inspection of the anal region apart, for at Nate's already leads to the diagnosis. In addition, the history is indicative. The digital rectal oakmount vets examination should be performed carefully using a lubricant.
The differential diagnosis of the primary fissure secondary fissures are recognized as accompanying phenomena other inflammatory diseases of the anal region (Crohn's disease, anal tuberculosis, syphilitic chancre, leukemic diseases manifest AIDS, anus).
The acute fissure has a high proportion of spontaneous healing, so that in many cases, symptomatic treatment oakmount vets is required only. The focus is on reduction of pain. This can be achieved by the application oakmount vets of ointments and Lokalanästhetikahaltigen Analtampons. The validity of the remaining oakmount vets Proktologika is not occupied.
Recently, oakmount vets the administration of topically oakmount vets active substances, such as nitroglycerin, nifedipine, diltiazem, and finally also Sildenafil is recommended. A superiority of the substances mentioned over placebo is not proven. The frequently recommended Selbstbougierung with a anal dilator has also opposed to merely ointment application no proven benefits. Surgical treatment of chronic fissure is exclusively reserved for secondary changes.
Dr. med. Matthias Kemmer Ling, Surgery, Visceral Surgery and Proctology, formerly oakmount vets senior physician at the Department of Surgery II, Coloproctology, Raphael Hospital Muenster oakmount vets Dr. med. Franz Raulf, chief physician oakmount vets of Surgery, Coloproctology, Raphael Hospital Muenster.
in cooperation with the State Medical Association Westphalia-Lippe and MEDICA German Association for the Advancement of Medical Diagnostics e. V., also as a PDF download (206 KB) and www.aerztlichepraxis.de
and by appointment.
Abscess abscess anal disease lesions anal fistula anal fissure anal fistula Analvenenthrombose Anantomie surgery bowel intestinal illness and diseases cancer intestinal pacemaker colonoscopy diagnosis colon center endoscopy fistula fistulous perianal disease early hemorrhoids hemorrhoids Münster skin tags Crohn's disease Proctology Proctological investigation prolapse oakmount vets disease quality of hygiene in the colonoscopy pacemaker fecal incontinence therapy toilet urge
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