Monday, March 30, 2015

Home Doctors Dr. Kemmer Modeling Career Presentations training anal fistula and abscess Proctologic

Home Doctors Dr. Kemmer Modeling Career Presentations training anal fistula and abscess Proctological diseases Dr. Tübergen Career Publications Presentations Posters and Other Dr. Pisek Team Practice Services Cooperation Contact us Sitemap Imprint Career Publications
Sacral nerve stimulation (pacemaker for the intestine) pacemaker regulates untenable toilet urge further development in the treatment of intestinal diseases Together against colorectal diseases procrastinate bowel problems may be fatal
The classic abscess is known by its typical clinical signs. As with all infections, the typical signs of inflammation wendover heights Calor, rubor, dolor, tumor and functio laesa are also valid here. Problems are the diagnosis of abscesses, if they do not reach the body surface. This may be necessary wendover heights for accurate localization of an intra-anal ultrasound scan or a CT or MRI. When Fisteldiagnostik the inspection of the perianal region can already provide information to an external Fistelostium. The diagnosis is then completed by a proctoscopy with setting an internal Fistelostiums. wendover heights With a hook probe now, the dentate be screened for possible fistelverdächtige structures. With unexplained Flstelverlauf and strong pain a more detailed study should be made only under anesthesia. For more complicated fistulas the aforementioned imaging techniques are also used. A direct radiographic Fisteldarstellung with contrast medium (fistulography) is only in exceptional cases, eg fistulae into neighboring organs such as the bladder, vagina or urethra necessary.
Dr. med. Matthias Kemmer Ling, Surgery, Visceral Surgery and Proctology, formerly senior physician at the Department of Surgery II, Coloproctology, Raphael Hospital Muenster Dr. med. Franz Raulf, chief physician of Surgery, Coloproctology, Raphael Hospital Muenster.
8-12 clock Monday, Tuesday 8-12 15-17 clock clock, clock 15-17 Wednesday 8-12 Thursday 8-12 Clock Clock, Clock 15-17 Friday 8-12 Clock
Abscess abscess anal disease lesions anal fistula anal fissure anal fistula Analvenenthrombose Anantomie surgery bowel intestinal illness and diseases cancer wendover heights intestinal pacemaker colonoscopy diagnosis colon center endoscopy fistula fistulous wendover heights perianal disease early hemorrhoids hemorrhoids Münster skin tags Crohn's disease Proctology Proctological investigation prolapse disease quality of hygiene in the colonoscopy pacemaker fecal incontinence therapy toilet urge

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