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The radiation from the nuclear power plant disaster in Fukushima, Japan is now active in the ecosystem around the west coast of North America ... I even seaweed are radioactive.
A year ago, Vancouver Sun reported that marine algae tested the waters off the coast of British Columbia had radiation levels at four times the levels considered safe. Since this first report has been published no more reports. The governments of the United States and Canada does not test for radioactivity - at least not with the public. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton agreed to pursue the sale of seafood from Japan, despite the fact that these foods have not been tested for contamination by radioactivity.
Last November, showed independent testing snap 4dx from Japan that in 65 percent snap 4dx of the catch came to test positive for cesium (a radioactive material). Food safety snap 4dx agencies in both the United snap 4dx States and Canada refused to buy instead of poisoned fish, simply picked up "an acceptable level of radiation." We can not offend the Japanese, though we promised that we will buy their unhealthy food, and now we?
After the North American government refused to fund oceanographer snap 4dx Ken Buesselerovi testing, the chief scientist of the nonprofit organizations Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Woods Hole Mass together with professor of marine sciences from the State University of New York at Stony Brook Nicolas Fischer snap 4dx and other scientists, what about it are concerned, got private funding snap 4dx for research voyage to the Pacific. And the result?
The concentration snap 4dx of cesium in the Pacific initially climbed to astonishing 45 million times above pre-accident. These concentrations then rapidly fell so far, but then again unexpectedly rose.
In July, cesium concentration ceased to decline snap 4dx and remained stuck at 10,000 times above pre-accident. This means that the radiation ocean expected to dissolve. If that were the case, the concentration of cesium would continue to decline. These findings suggest that radiation is still released into the ocean long after the accident snap 4dx in March 2011.
Less than two weeks after the tsunami and subsequent nuclear disaster reported investigative journalist Michael Kane: "With the advent of the continuing nuclear tragedy snap 4dx in Japan, the United States government is working quickly on how to increase the dose of radiation that the population can" safely "absorb by raising the safe zone exposure to levels designed to protect the more the government and the nuclear industry than human lives. "
This radiation was achieved with absolute certainty coast of North America. Water samples from across the continent have already tested positive for higher than safe levels snap 4dx of radioactivity. "These levels exceeded the thresholds established for drinking water known as the maximum contamination level or MCL more than 181 times. "This means that the entire system of the Pacific Ocean is now poisoned by radiation without being warned.
Milk samples snap 4dx collected throughout the United
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